60 Days in Woodland
Caribou Park
Come with us as we plan and execute a 60 day trip
Woodland Caribou Park is near
Red Lake, Ontario

Just outside of Red Lake, Ontario and nestled up against the Manitoba border is a gem of northwest Ontario.
The neighbourhood is so significant in natural history that it's being considered an a World Heritage Site.
While it's a bit of a drive for most you should definitely make this one of the places to visit.
The area is rife with old trade routes and evidence of first nations habitation

The park has been used by First Nations peoples for thousands of years as a trade corridor and there is evidence of some habitation.
During our time in the park we visited thirteen pictograph sites ... and we didn't see all the possible sites.
Several of the pictograph sites are quite extensive ... and when you consider that these paintings were done a millenium ago its remarkable how well they've survived.
The park is so big that in 60 days we never visit the same area twice

The park is 1.2 million acres in size and usually gets less than one thousand visitors per year.
Is it any wonder that we saw only two canoe parties in our 60 days?
In case you're thinking that this will be a difficult place to travel. think again. The average portage length in the park is
less than 300 yards. There are some longer carries ...
we did portages of 2200, 1600, 1500 and 1300 yards ... but our average was still less than 350 yards.
In 60 days we see more moose than people

It seemed that every time we turned a corner we ran into a moose or two. This guy was along Knox Creek and decided to swim to the opposite shore to avoid us.
We also had the good fortune to see woodland caribou on two separate occassions ... and that's a special treat since there are only an estimated 150 in the park.
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